Our Services

Community Well-BEing

What does it look like to dream big on behalf of your community? What does a thriving community look like to you? What is your role in this thriving community you imagine?

Monica truly believes in being the change she wishes to see in her community, in the world, and deeply enjoys working with community leaders to facilitate increased well-being within and between community organizations. She understands that through these critical collaborations communities not only foster well-being, but can truly thrive.

Community Well-BEing

Communities thrive when community members are able to navigate stress, take care of their physical health, and support their own well-being in order to have the necessary capacity to help and serve others. Cross-community collaborations around four critical areas of well-being support community well-being, community thriving.

  • Navigating Stress and
    Emotional Well-being
  • Exercise, Movement and
    Quality Sleep
  • Real Food and
  • Helping Self,
    Helping Others

Who might be your next collaborative partner on behalf of your community? What other organizations and community members share your vision of a thriving community? What are the common interests and common resources you might share with others to take one baby step forward toward increased community thriving?

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

– Margaret Mead

Interested in more details about Community Well-BEing? Fill out our Contact Form and Monica will be in touch.

Workplace Well-BEing

Workplace Well-BEing

Monica works with organizations and individuals to be able to identify who they are and what they aspire to be, to determine what they want to cultivate in their lives, and to create small, consistent steps to living that dream in their daily actions and interactions.

Workplace Well-being offerings support organizations interested in supporting their employees as both individuals and teams to increase well-being.

Navigating Stress

Understand the physiology of stress and learn simple tools for navigating stressful moments to creatively respond rather than habitually react to uncomfortable situations.

Exercise, Movement and Quality Sleep

Learn simple practices to increase your well-being in the areas of exercise, movement, and sleep. Commit to one or two baby steps to better care for your physical body, which supports your ability to navigate stressful moments and deeply enjoy successes.

Real Food and Nutrition

Understand how what you eat supports or interferes with your ability to navigate stress. Identify and commit to simple changes in habits to feel better, increasing your overall well-being and ability to navigate stressful moments.

Helping Self, Helping Others

As you implement simple tools, practices and strategies for better caring for your physical body, you are better able to navigate stressful moments, allowing you increased capacity to care for and help those around you without depleting yourself.

Work as a group to develop a better understanding of how stress decreases the well-being of your workplace, and how simple steps for supporting yourself and your colleagues’ well-being maximizes positive outcomes for your organization.

Interested in more details about Workplace Well-BEing? Fill out our Contact Form and Monica will be in touch.

Individual Well-BEing

Individual Well-BEing

Not sure where to begin? Try some simple steps for yourself before sharing with your organization and/or larger community. Individual support begins with identifying your next baby step toward well-being. Begin where you are, grow at your own pace, and see the results in your personal and professional relationships. Cultivate and model in yourself the changes you wish to see in your life. Be the change you wish to see in your own sphere of influence.

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