Individual Well-BEing

Individual Well-BEing 

Individual support begins with identifying your next baby step toward well-being. Begin where you are, grow at your own pace, and see the results in your personal and professional relationships. Cultivate and model in yourself the changes you wish to see in your life. Be the change you wish to see in your own sphere of influence.

Lifestyle Consultation

Navigating choices around stress, making nourishing choices for food and recreation, prioritizing movement and quality sleep, can all be daunting. Which area of your life are you most curious to address? Monica will help you to identify the next best baby step for you to empower yourself on a path to increased vitality. Simple practices build upon each other to create a manageable and inspiring plan for success.
Well-BEing investment: $85 for each one-hour session

Cultivate a Mindful Mindset

Mindfulness is the practice of simply being in the present moment. When we are practicing mindfulness, we are noticing what’s happening right now. We harness our mind chatter and pay attention to what is happening around us, within us, right here, right now. We fully utilize our five senses to notice the sights, scents, sounds, tastes and touch of the chair or ground beneath us. In practicing mindfulness, we release our replaying of what happened in the past, and release our planning, planning, planning of what will happen later today, tomorrow, or next month. We sit and learn to observe and just BE.
Well-BEing investment: $85 for each one-hour session

Meditation Instruction

Interested in meditation? Trained by Dr. Deepak Chopra, Monica will lead you through meditation instruction at your own pace. Through this three-part series you will develop a deeper understanding of how your particular physiology reacts to stress, and learn unique to you techniques for navigating stress. Using this knowledge gained, you will develop and refine a practice of meditation that will grow and nourish you in the weeks beyond your instruction.
Three-part series, 90 minutes scheduled for each session: $350 for three-part session

Health Coaching

Health Coaches assess a client’s overall well-being and develop recommendations with clients to help enact basic, health-supportive lifestyle modifications by mobilizing internal strengths and external resources. While nutrition is discussed, there’s an emphasis on non-food forms of nourishment, like relationships, career, and spirituality. Health Coaches help implement client-directed changes and sustainable shifts.

The relationship between food and lifestyle, along with how each affects markers of health, is the primary focus of a Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. In exploring these areas, Health Coaches help their clients develop bio-individual strategies for implementing lifestyle changes that improve health and wellness, such as in the areas of physical activity, nutrition, sleep, and emotional well-being.

Six-month coaching program: $1500
Certifications held:
Meditation Instructor, Chopra Center Certification
Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition Certification
Mindfulness Instructor, Mindful Schools Certification
Yoga Instructor, Chopra Center Certification
Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant, Chopra Center Certification


Register for these classes and invest in your health and wellness. Classes are held online. Please check out the FAQ section for common questions and answers.

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Step 3: After confirmation, you will be signed up for your selected class.